One Year In…

Almost one year into motherhood and the thing that strikes me most is how little time there seems to be for self care. I originally envisioned this space as a lifestyle blog where I could share my favorite activities, products, and household renovations/care. Then my infertility journey began and sharing was the last thing on my mind. Mostly because at the time I was depressed and not enjoying those things myself.

When we were blessed with Ollie I began to brainstorm again about all of the things I could write about and share here. Then reality set in and it became apparent that I simply didn’t have the time. I could barely accomplish all of the daily household tasks in addition to caring for this wonderful little guy who relied on me for everything.

Now we are three weeks away from his first birthday and I am slowly finding the time to fit in some self care. As he becomes more independent I am gaining back some of my forgotten independence. I am hoping this will allow me to focus on some of my favorite hobbies again and that I will have the discipline to set aside the time to share those things with you.

Hopefully over the following weeks I will be able to share a bit about planning for Ollie’s first birthday, my breastfeeding journey (we are almost at our goal of one full year!), what it has been like to do Baby Led Weaning, my journey back to veganism and raising a vegan baby.

~ Jenna

6 Things I Learned in the First 6 Weeks

Even after reading tons of books, hearing advice from everyone I came into contact with, and asking numerous questions at my doctor visits, nothing can really prepare you for those first few weeks as a new mom. Almost everything they tell you is true… and then some. Continue reading

Hello 2017!

Considering the end we had to 2016 I am looking forward to a (hopefully) calmer year ahead. Labor Day weekend I fell while walking our dogs, ended up in the ER with a badly sprained right ankle and 13 stitches in my left knee. So I basically took out both legs in one shot. This debacle prevented me from doing much for awhile and by the time I was back in the swing of things it was the holiday season and time seemed to start moving even faster. So needless to say Continue reading

Vegan Caprese Salad

It’s amazing how quickly time goes by. I intended to post several things over the summer, from recipes to projects I have been working on. But somehow the days just swept by and here we are in August already!

One of the things that has kept me busy over the past few months has been our vegetable garden. Last year we built raised beds which led to a very successful summer garden. However I procrastinated on Continue reading

Happy Spring!

Today is the first day of Spring and also marks one year since I started blogging. It’s amazing how quickly that year went by! I’m currently in full blown Spring mode: decluttering cabinets, sorting through clothes to be donated, and cleaning every room in the house.

I cannot wait for the weather to warm up just a touch so Continue reading