Vegan Peanut Butter Eggs

Happy Easter! It’s been a busy week around our house. On top of preparing for the holiday we are dog sitting and I am currently finishing up my first queen size quilt. It’s a project that has been over a year in the making and constantly had to take a back seat to Continue reading

Happy Spring!

Today is the first day of Spring and also marks one year since I started blogging. It’s amazing how quickly that year went by! I’m currently in full blown Spring mode: decluttering cabinets, sorting through clothes to be donated, and cleaning every room in the house.

I cannot wait for the weather to warm up just a touch so Continue reading

Snowy First Day of Spring

It’s officially the first day of Spring and Mother Nature gave us this:

HouseinSnow While the dogs may have been pleased to once again be running around in the snow, it is safe to say that the garden gnomes and I are less than thrilled.

Garden GnomesSo it seems that all my grand plans for gardening in the sunshine will have to be put on hold for at least a few more days. To pass the time I decided to be productive and spend some time doing one of Continue reading